March 26, 2006


Ummmm Firestorm has some news that I am still trying to get over but yeah...
it is for her to tell you....

August 08, 2005

. . .

Yes well seeing as it is summer and not much happens during my summers you should know not to expect an update all that frequently. But the point of this post is that Firestorm has gone off for training for her job and will not be online for at least 9 weeks...Yes people imagine it 9 weeks without internet or computer access...because that is the torture she is facing now I will just leave you with that knowledge...

June 18, 2005

00:48, Cherries, and the affect they have on me

At about 11:50 Firestorm and I decided that we were tired of sitting around her place so we decided to change into skimpy outfits and go to Wal-Mart, the only place that might have guys WORTH "teasing" at this time of night, well we got there, I am wearing something that REALLY shows off my legs. So as we are walking around looking at various things one of the employee's is bending over to get something so he gets a really nice shot of my legs but I just smile at him and he of course smiles back and then proceeded to say "hi" I then walk off following Firestorm. Well I then proceeded to tell her about what happened and started to laugh uncontrollably (but still in control). Nothing else really happened till when we were leaving like 20 minutes later when, as we were walking out, firestorm had to pull down her mini skirt, there were two guys following us commented to us "need some help." I tried to keep my cool as we walked toward my truck but the minute I sat down in the truck I burst out laughing she was like doing this OMG type thing which I find just so funny.
Ok well when we got back to her house, I got into my head that I wanted one of her year long tequila soaked cherries so she agreed to split one with me. So now we are questioning if alcohol makes us more sane. Well we have each agreed to have another but we are debating between half or whole.... Well I will post more later (maybe) firestorms turn...

June 14, 2005


well the last post is an example of my insane cousin. I just hope we haven't lost your interest yet, we'll post more later